St Cuthbert's Hospice
The Challenge
St Cuthbert's Hospice asked us to interview a family member with experience at the hospice. The aim being to promote the new Win Win Lottery. The videos intension was to raise awareness of the lottery online, bringing in more players and therefore creating a higher income to support the hospice.
The Solution
We were also commissioned to interview the hospice director, he discusses the work the hospice does and why it's so important. Videos such as this build trust with an audience, it's important to put a face to a name!
The Outcome
Due to circumstances which arose because of Covid-19 we had to adapt our approach to this project. Initially there were a 8 videos planed to be shot, they were all set in the hospice and focused around highlighting St Cuthbert's staff. We had to postpone filming of these when lockdown went into effect and planned new content which could be filmed in accordance with the new rules and social distancing needs. These videos were filmed in the gardens surrounding the hospice and achieved what was needed. We look forward to continuing our work for St Cuthbert's as the restrictions relax.